Monday, December 17, 2007

Week 6

# 13) Tagging, Folksonomies and Technorati

Week 5:

# 10) Online image generator:

I played with the neon sign generator to create a holiday sign for my library. See here.

# 11) Library Thing

Library Thing can be useful like other predictive software that is available. I appreciate that I can compare the books I like with individuals, who like similar books, and then these friends can infer from my ratings what books they too, may like. And, while this all makes plenty of sense and can be handy I am sure, I prefer an old fashioned conversation to refer people to those books I liked and what i think they might like.

My incredibly small library for your perusal:

#12) Rollyo

I attempted to roll my own and may have successfully created my own search engine but I also enjoyed using this food review engine: